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The Way We Do Business Worldwide
At REI, we believe in doing business ethically, honestly, and in full compliance with all laws and regulations. Our commitment to doing business the right way is part of what makes us REI.
Our Position is Clear
REI does not offer or accept bribes or kickbacks in any form, and we do not tolerate corruption, collusion and / or nepotism in connection with any of our business dealings.
Corruption is an act of abuse of power that involves in a dishonest or improper way in return for money, personal gain, or anything of value. It can take many forms and is not limited to interactions with the government.
By wrongly benefiting a few individuals who abuse their power or position, corruption undermines respect for the rule of law, creates unfair competition, slows economic growth, damages innovation, and contributes to governmental and social instability.
Collusion is a form of action in the form of conspiracy or agreement that is carried out in secret and carried out by two or more, with the aim of committing acts of misconduct and for certain benefit.
Nepotism is defined as the act of showing undue preference to relatives, friends, or associates, particularly in matters of employment, rank, or business dealings within or external to the company. To prevent such practices, it is mandatory to disclose any potential conflicts of interest transparently before any selection process. This information must be reported to the REL Board of Directors for review and approval before any final decisions are made.
For REI, involvement in bribery, collusion, corruption, or nepotism can result in permanent damage to our brand and our reputation, disruption to consumer and shareholder trust, and inferior quality products. Legal violations can result in million-dollar fines and penalties, plus jail time for parties involved.
Compliance with This Policy is Mandatory
This policy provides guidelines for handling situations involving corruption. Its purpose is to ensure all REI employees and all independent third parties who work on REI’s behalf globally (such as independent contractors, consultants, agents, suppliers, vendors, channel members and others who do business with REI) understand and comply with applicable laws and REI’s policy against corruption.
Compliance with this policy and international anti-corruption laws is mandatory. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to termination of employment or termination of your business relationship with REI.
Speak Up
If you have additional questions or are aware of a violation, contact PT REI HR, your Business Manager or email to
Our Code of Conduct
Please find below all translated versions of The 2024 PTREI Code of Conduct.
English Version
Code of Conduct
Indonesia Version
Code of Conduct